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Sixers Fans Slam Viral Marriage Proposal for Being 'Disrespectful'

At the recent Philadelphia Sixers game, a couple made headlines when the man proposed to his girlfriend in an elaborate way, but not all fans were impressed. Sixers fans have taken to social media to slam the viral proposal, calling it "disrespectful" and "tacky". In this blog post, we'll explore why Sixers fans have such a negative opinion about the proposal and how the couple is responding to the backlash.

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The Proposal

On April 7th, 2021, a young couple at the Philadelphia 76ers game made headlines as they celebrated a marriage proposal. The man, Joshua Smith, had arranged for the big moment to take place during a timeout, with the two of them standing in front of the Jumbotron. After Smith proposed, the crowd cheered and the woman accepted—but it wasn’t long before the backlash started. 

Other attendees weren’t so much angry as they were envious of the lucky couple who got to experience such a public display of affection. The broadcast cameras captured the exchange, and people around the world got to witness it. Many even shared their own romantic stories and fond memories of their own proposals on social media.

The Reaction

There were also those who felt the couple was exploiting their platform for their own personal gain, something that some fans felt was inappropriate in a basketball arena. “It’s not the time or place for that kind of stuff,” wrote one commenter.

Others pointed out that this wasn’t the first time such a proposal had occurred at a sporting event. Some said they could see why people found it disrespectful, but also questioned why it was seen as a bigger issue than other issues plaguing professional sports.

The couple behind the proposal has yet to respond to the criticism, but they appear unbothered by the haters. Despite the criticism, they are still happy with their decision and don’t plan on changing their plans due to the trolls. It looks like they’ll be going ahead with their storybook wedding despite what anyone thinks!

The Aftermath

In response to the backlash, the couple has decided to ignore the haters and stay positive about their proposal. They've stated that they didn't mean to disrespect anyone and are grateful for all of the love and support they have received from family and friends.

In addition, the couple has also been quick to point out that their proposal was met with cheers from other members of the crowd. They hope that their story will serve as an inspiration to others and encourage more couples to find unique ways to express their love and commitment.

No matter what your opinion is of this viral marriage proposal, it's clear that it has sparked an interesting conversation about how we should approach showing affection in public settings. It's a conversation that's sure to continue as the story of this couple and their special moment lives on.